Ever wondered what it takes to shake off the limiting belief that you’re incapable and strengthen the belief that you are capable
Introducing PQ Reps, developed by global thought leader and author of Positive Intelligence, Shirzad Chamine.
- PQ Rep stands for Positive Intelligence Quotient Repetitions and enables you to build stronger mental muscles.
- They activate the “sage muscles,” those parts of the brain associated with focus, self-control, and positivity, while simultaneously weakening the “saboteurs,” the negative thought patterns and impulses that hold you back.

We are naturally creative and resourceful, capable of tapping into our inner resources and finding answers from within.
PQ Reps Involve Shifting Your Focus From Your Mind To Your Body:
Each PQ Rep is a ten-second hyper-focus on one of your five senses (sight, sound, smell, touch, taste).
This shifts the balance of power from your inner saboteurs (your negative self) to your inner sage (your positive self), helping you remain centered, calm, and grounded.
Example of two PQ Reps:
PQ Rep #1:
Set a timer for 10 seconds. With a straight spine, shoulders back, open chest, feet flat on the floor, press 2 finger tips together with such pressure that you feel the ridges.
PQ Rep #2:
Now wrap all the fingertips against all the fingers and palm of the other hand and notice all the sensations in your body. Do this for ten seconds.
As a result of consistently practicing PQ Reps, you unlock your full potential for both happiness and contribution.
Breakthrough Your Roadblock Today Using PQ Reps:
4. Stay the Course:
- If you want my help and learn more about Shirzad Chamine’s PQ Reps, so that you break through your roadblock of fear and Dare to Shine, follow the link.